Getting TLS certificates from Azure Key Vault with Go

Whether you're using Go or another language, some advice and code to save you time
Publishing dateApril 7, 2019Author Alessandro Segala (@ItalyPaleAle)

I recently had to build an app in Go to retrieve TLS certificates stored on Azure Key Vault, and because of some quirks this took way longer than I expected (admittedly, my limited experience with Go didn’t really help). Sharing is caring, so I’m posting the code here for everyone else 🙌🏻

Even if you’re not working with Go, read below for the explanation of the quirks and how to solve them.

TL;DR—just show me the code

This code retrieves a TLS certificate from Azure Key Vault, grabbing the latest version, and then stores the certificate and key on disk in PEM format.

You can use the AzureKeyVaultCertificate struct to request certificates stored in Azure Key Vault. An example invocation is in the main function.

The example above will grab authentication data from environmental variables (see auth.NewAuthorizerFromEnvironment() in the code above). For more information, see the documentation for the Azure SDK for Go.

What you need to know about retrieving certificates from Azure Key Vault

Whether you’re using Go or another language, there are a few things I learnt about using Azure Key Vault to retrieve TLS certificates which will be useful to you.

Authenticating your app to Azure Key Vault’s data plane

Azure Key Vault has two separate planes:

  • The management plane allows you to interact with the Azure Resource Manager provider to create, update and delete vaults
  • The data plane allows you to read and write secrets inside a vault

This is a very important difference. When you authorize the Azure SDK, by default you’re getting credentials for the management plane; getting credentials for the data plane requires a different module.

Using Go:

  • The default module, (GoDoc) is for the management plane only
  • For the data plane (what we need in this case), you need to use (GoDoc)

Imported TLS certificates create three items in Azure Key Vault

Each TLS certificate creates:

  • One Certificate entry, containing the public certificate only
  • One Key entry, containing the RSA key only, which can be used for cryptographic operations but is not useful in our case
  • One Secret entry, containing the full certificate in PKCS#12 (PFX) format

Each certificate can have multiple versions

Versions are non-sequential 128-bit identifiers, encoded as hex.

While you could manually pass the ID of the version you’re trying to retrieve, the code above first fetches the list of versions and then picks the most recent one.

Names and version IDs are the same for all three items

This means that if you have a certificate named withblueink-com (you can’t use dots in secret names) and the latest version is 1e80111ba8c0794d561f2a3dfa7c4211, you will be able to retrieve the certificate, key and secret with the same name and version strings. This makes things much easier!

Certificates are stored as secrets, as PFX files

You can retrieve your full TLS certificate (certificate and key) from Azure Key Vault as a secret (not a certificate). The content of the secret is a base64-encoded PKCS#12 (PFX) file, with no password.

The code above takes care of that: first, it decodes the file from base64, and then it extracts the certificate and key from the PKCS#12 archive.

Appendix A: storing your TLS certificate inside Azure Key Vault

You can create a new Key Vault and store a TLS certificate in it using the Azure CLI. Note that, as of writing, you can only store in Azure Key Vault certificates that use RSA private keys; ECDSA keys aren’t supported.

First, assuming you have a certificate named certificate.pem and a key named key.pem, you need to convert them to a PKCS#12 (PFX) archive. With OpenSSL, it’s easy:

# When asked for a password, hit return (twice) to use an empty password
openssl pkcs12 \
  -export \
  -inkey key.pem \
  -in certificate.pem \
  -out certificate.pfx

Create a new Azure Key Vault if you need to:

# Create a Resource Group
az group create \
  --name "$RESOURCE_GROUP" \
  --location "$LOCATION"

# Create a Key Vault
# The name must be globally unique
az keyvault create \
  --name "$KEYVAULT_NAME" \
  --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP" \
  --location "$LOCATION"

You can them import the certificate in PFX format, which includes both the certificate and key:

az keyvault certificate import \
  --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_NAME" \
  --file "certificate.pfx" \
  --name "withblueink-com"

After this, your certificate can be retrieved with the code above, using withblueink as vault name, and withblueink-com as certificate/secret name.

Appendix B: Authorizing your app

There are multiple ways to authorize your app to retrieve the certificate from Azure Key Vault. The code above gathers credentials from the environment, which means that it automatically selects among different options:

  • If your app is running within Azure, you can use Managed Service Identities.
  • In all cases, you can use a Service Principal; in the OAuth2 specs, this is called “Client credentials grant”, or more colloquially “Machine-to-Machine flow”.

To use a Service Principal:

# Create a Service Principal for an app called "KeyVaultSP"
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "KeyVaultSP" --skip-assignment

Response will look similar to this. Make sure you note down the password (you won’t see it again!), the appId and the tenant:

  "appId": "f13db91b-2a02-4fbe-826d-5c9049d23561",
  "displayName": "KeyVaultSP",
  "name": "http://KeyVaultSP",
  "password": "d3961f1e-8f20-4636-b695-82f961e154c0",
  "tenant": "de366b7a-4861-4e17-b67b-8e3cdd4f2408"

To authorize the Service Principal to read your certificates and secrets (necessary to use the code above):

# This is the "appId" from the result above
az keyvault set-policy \
  --name "$KEYVAULT_NAME" \
  --spn "$AZURE_CLIENT_ID" \
  --secret-permissions get \
  --certificate-permissions get list

Lastly, you can use those credentials with your app, by setting the right environmental variables:

# This is the tenant from the result above
# This is the appId from the result above
# This is the password from the result above

# Run the code
go run .
Cover photo by Tim Evans (Unsplash)
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